Obama mocks donald trump
Obama mocks donald trump

obama mocks donald trump

And when Obama released the document, he did it to rebuke Trump - first calling him a "carnival barker" from the White House podium, then making him the object of ridicule at the White House Correspondents' Dinner. He took the conspiracy theory mainstream before Obama released his birth certificate, 45 percent of Republicans believed he was born elsewhere. He sent investigators to Hawaii to look into Obama's birth certificate. Trump embraced birtherism wholeheartedly. Considering that history also make the unprecedented success of his campaign seem, in retrospect, a little less shocking. But Trump's history as a birther didn't just make him the butt of jokes after Obama released his real birth certificate. The jokes are still pretty good, even if they seem a little more unsettling these days. "It might be devoted to the moment when new life was fed into an old ideology, when Trump’s ambitions suddenly turned over to the potent politics of shame and vengeance." Trump's past as a birther explains his entire campaign "Some day someone may well write a kind of micro-history of that night, as historians now are wont to do, as a pivot in American life," Adam Gopnik wrote in the New Yorker in 2015. The New York Times's Maggie Haberman and Alexander Burns wrote that the mockery of Trump "accelerated his ferocious efforts to gain stature within the political world."

obama mocks donald trump

It turned out to be a pivotal night, and not just because the raid that killed Osama bin Laden was going on at the same time. "Unless the Blacks are a family of white people, I bet he's mistaken." "I think people would know if he's a secret socialist by now," Obama said.Trump said "he's got a great relationship with 'the blacks,'" Meyers said in one of his best lines, referencing phrasing Trump still uses.

obama mocks donald trump

Obama, who stated that Trump would never be president during the 2016 campaign, also attacked the president's repeated suggestion on the campaign trail that Biden is a socialist. Why are we accepting it from the president?" 'Florida man' wouldn't even do this stuff. You would not tolerate it from a coworker.

obama mocks donald trump

"We will not have a POTUS who threatens people with jail for just criticizing him," Obama said. Obama took issue with Trump's treatment of reporters and at numerous times admonished the president's threats against the media as being below the dignity of a common Florida stereotype. CBS News later contested that Stahl wore a mask upon arrival and only removed it during the taped portion of the interview. Trump also shared an image of Stahl not wearing a mask while being surrounded by masked White House officials. The interview, which Trump characterized as "biased" before sharing it to Facebook on Thursday, shows the reporter interrupting Trump throughout the special.

Obama mocks donald trump